Awesome sushi was found by a group of people who believe that sushi can be any day or any time which do not have to wait for special occasions. Moreover, we also believe having a healthy and tasty sushi without spending a five stars price.

From our experienced chefs lead by Chef Pat who graduated from “Le Cordon Bleu” will bring you a freshness flavor of Japanese food blend in with unique cooking technique from around the world. One of many dishes that you should try when you comes visit Awesome Sushi is “Awesome Roll”. Which Chef Pat was using a French technique to created mouthwatering dish.
As we concerns of being vegetarian, in our menu included variety of vegetarian dishes such as Ultra Violet, Green Power, and Yellow Monster.


Awesome Menu

2009 – 2013

2013 – 2015

2015 – 2018

2018 – Present

Awesome Crews
Awesome Story
Gran Opening Day
4th Anniversary
Our Awesome memory
Check out memory on our facebook page
4 Year Anniversary Album 1  
4 Year Anniversary Album 2
5th Anniversary

Our Awesome memory
Check out memory on our facebook page
5 Year Anniversary Album 1  
5 Year Anniversary Album 2

6th Anniversary

Our Awesome memory
Check out memory on our facebook page
6 Year Anniversary Album 1  

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